Adversity is something that is inevitable in life. As long as you are on this Earth people will test you, Cars will break down, you run out of resources, friendships come and go, relationships wear down heavy on you, Lights get cut off, deals fall thru, jobs get lost, minds get lost. With all of the bad things that happen to us on a daily basis we must learn something, there will ALWAYS be adversity, but its not about what you go thru, its how you move past it. Nothing lasts, good or bad, you have to find a way to put life on cruise control. Its not as easy as it may seem and im sure i need to take my own advice but people need to know that everything can be turned around. You just need faith, and patience. If you look back on all of the tough times you endured, what do you think about them today? Are you better? Stronger? Regret how you handled it? Do you feel better than you did at that time? When you go through hell, rock bottom, you can only go up. If you think that way then everything will be easier to go through. I personally have been through alot but to me its growing pains and in the future i have the choice to either let it defeat me or let it condition me.
So what, we're not allowed to have weak moments? We cant make a mistake? Be wrong about how they went about something? The answer is YES! People cant be perfect all of the time, forgiveness heals all..if you have friends or family that TRULY have your back and love you then their loyality will never go awry. If it does than that shows they never had your back in the first place. Seperate yourself from people that dont show you that they love you. Support from loved ones is CRUCIAL in tough times. Thats when they are needed the most. Theres no time for egos and animosity. See past that and wonder why they are really acting out. Know who they are deep inside and not judge them by the action itself. When you know and love someone you give them the benefit of the doubt, and when someone recognizes their faults then let the negativity go.
When adversity is all around you support is so important. No one in this world can make it alone, and if they can that world for them is a lonely place. Be a good person and stay positive, even when others cant. Negativity gets you nowhere. As soon as people recongnize that people arent perfect 365 days a year its easier to deal with them. If i gave you hell for one day and i gave you laughter and love for 364? Then know grudges and negativity isnt worth holding on to, its foolish. When the dust settles you will see things for what they really are.
Tough times dont last, Tough people do..
Keeping Balance With Work and Home March 14th 2011

The best way to balance your personal life and professional life is to have time management and boundaries. Keep them very separate if you can. As soon as work begins, leave your personal life at your doorstep and when you leave work leave that at the job. Theres nothing worse than everyone at work knowing your business, including your boss. The less everyone knows about you the better. NEVER tell anyone your business at work, keep it on a professional level. Don't tell them about any social networking sites you are on (because you will be looked up at some point).
Theres 2 people in you, the person at work and the person outside of work. Its okay to have more than one side. The problem with everyone knowing the places you hang out, the online sites you are on, if its in any way in breach of contract with your job then its possible for you to be laid off.
If you are calling out sick for reasons other than being sick than cover your bases and keep your ass home! If someone sees you at the mall and your supposed to be sick it will cost you. Also don't blab to your co workers about the party you attended the night before and how you are too hung over to go to work. Keep your story consistent.
The workplace is no different than grade school. Age doesn't matter, there will always be someone that conducts themselves like a high schooler. Miserable people will always want to make others around them miserable and thrive on drama. If there is something you don't want ANYONE to know then simply don't reveal it to anyone in conversation. I hate to break it to you but no one keeps secrets. Tell your co-workers only things you don't mind everyone knowing about you.
Personal calls and episodes need to be taken care of in private. Deal with them away from your work area on your breaks. No emotional breakdowns either, don't look like you aren't capable of keeping it together.
Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES do you fraternize at work. In a lot of places you can also get in trouble with that. Most flings don't last anyways so keep your flirting outside of work and away from someone working at the same place. You don't want to be the talk of the building.
Making associates or friendships are okay, but do that knowing that the more they know about you, the more they can hurt your job.
To put it in a nutshell, be smart about your actions at work. We are in an unstable economy and our jobs are imperative for survival. Also for younger people each job you are with will be attached to your name forever. Keep your work resume clean and attractive to look at.